Why Natural Medicine?

Nutritional and herbal medicine help to assist the body to heal by seeking to treat the underlying cause of disease from a wholistic perspective. Treatments are tailored to suit you as a unique individual and are designed to assist the self healing capacity of your body.

Nutritional medicine not only addresses specific nutrient deficiencies and methods of correcting these deficiencies using food as medicine and/or the prescription of specific nutritional supplements…but also considers the way a person absorbs and utilises nutrients to support normal bodily functions and enhance wellbeing.

Western herbal medicine (WHM) is both a traditional and evidence based form of healing.  The World Health Organisation states that “in many developed countries, 70-80% of the population has used some form of alternative or complementary medicine” and also states that “herbal medicines are the most popular form of traditional medicine” http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs134/en/. Herbal medicine is the oldest and most widely used system of medicine today and consists of medicines made solely from plants.  Herbs are most commonly administered in the form of a tablet or capsule, tea, or liquid herbal extract or tincture made to meet an individuals health needs.